HR in Rehab Privacy Notice


As a member at HR in Rehab, we will process and store personal data which identifies you. This will include your name, address(es) you provide, birthday, telephone number(s), details of your membership and payment instructions.

Data Controller

The data controller is

Data Use

We will store your data, and use it for the purpose of sending you information as part of your membership, collecting payment from you. We may also store your IP address.

We may communicate with you by email and post, unless you ask us to telephone or we need to call you for something such as a payment enquiry. We will never use your telephone number for marketing purposes.

We will never share your information with anyone except as outlined below.

Processing Grounds

This processing is necessary to fulfil the terms of our agreement with you.

Automatic Processing

We may track whether you open an email or click a link in an email from Mailchimp. We use such data to assess the performance of our emails.

We do not use your information at a personal level, except if you have told us your HR role, your birthday so we can send something, or similar.

From time to time we might email and ask for a bit more information – for example, your experience, your qualification and your training needs. You are free to ignore them to ignore these emails.

Data Sharing

Your data is kept secure and never shared with any third parties except for the following organisations (and any similar organisations we may subcontract services to in the future, at which point we will update this policy):-

  • Rocket Science Group LLP (more commonly known as ‘MailChimp’) a US-based company, and ActiveCampaign whom we use to send emails. They store and process your data in accordance with the EU Privacy Shield.
  • Ionos, our web hosting provider.
  • Stripe, our payment processor for any membership payments.
  • subcontractors to whom we delegate website or database programming and maintenance, or necessary administrative functions.
  • DLP(UK) Ltd for training and support

If we sell our business, or merge with another organisation, then we may share your data with them as part of the sale/merger. You will be notified at least 30 days prior to any such event.

We also will comply with requests for the disclosure of personal information where required or permitted by law. This could include requests from law enforcement or tax agencies, or as part of a disclosure exercise in litigation.

Data Retention

We will keep your information until you object to us doing so, or seven years after your membership ends.

Right of Deletion

You can request changes to the data we hold about you, and how we use it. To make such a request email You can also ask to see the personal data we hold on you. We will always comply where the request is proportionate, realistic, and reasonable. We can refuse to comply with a request for erasure if it is unfounded. You can also request erasure from our records.

Complaint Procedure

If you believe your rights were violated, you may file a complaint with us at We will make every effort to satisfy your concerns. Should you prefer not to contact us you may also file a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s office at


We may review this policy from to time. Any changes which do not substantially modify the terms or affect your privacy will be updated on our website. In the event of substantial changes or changes which significantly affect your privacy we will notify at least 30 days prior to the change.